Finding help for a mental health problem when you’re LGBTQ+

Your experience of accessing talking therapies in England and Wales


Independent studies have consistently shown more than 40 per cent of LGBTQ+ people will experience a significant mental health problem in their lifetime, compared to around 25 per cent of the whole population. On top of this, LGBTQ+ people are 4 times more likely to have suicidal thoughts and to self-harm compared to straight people.

These findings are unsurprising. LGBTQ+ people are at greater risk of encountering bullying, fear of rejection, isolation, loneliness and money problems as well as additional stigma and discrimination.

Accessing the right type of support for a mental health problem can be complicated for LGBTQ+ people, whose needs are too often not understood.

Mind wants to find out from people who identify as LGBTQ+ what they’ve experienced when trying to access talking therapies – what barriers they’ve faced and the quality of help they received.


We’re conducting this survey so that we can:

  • form a picture of how talking therapy services in England and Wales accommodate the needs of LGBTQ+ people
  • raise greater awareness of mental health issues affecting LGBTQ+ people and help build better understanding within LGBTQ+ communities
  • develop materials for the LGBTQ+ community to use to campaign for better mental health services.


There are twenty questions in the survey and it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. We’ll be keeping the survey open until 12.00pm, 1 June 2016.

Please use the following link to complete the survey:

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